“Chale vate chalam chittam nischale nischalam bhavet /
Yogi sthanutvamapnoti tato vayum nirodhayet//”

When Prana moves, chitta the mental force too moves. When prana is still, Chitta also still without any movement. By this steadiness of prana the Hatha Yogi reaches stableness and should thus control the Vayu.


whole life is entirely dependent on how we breathe.life and breath are intimately connected.Its written in our ancient texts-“life is the period between one breath and the next;a person who only half breathes, only half lives.

The breathing process is directly liked to Central Nervous System of human anatomy. When one breathes rapidly its associated with stress,anxiety,sadness which leads to bad health and stress /diseases. Shallow breathing also leads to insufficient oxygen in the body this can cause disturbances in the functioning of all the body organs .in itself it doesn’t cause a disease immediately but becomes one of the biggest factors in encouraging the misfunctioning of our anatomical systems. And a person who does deep breathing when air is reaching to the lower part of the lungs removes the stagnant air which can be breeding ground for germs otherwise. When we breathe calmly it imparts a good massage to the internal abdominal organs.

To understand the mechanics and deeper concepts, science and to learn the methods of breathing(pranayama)like diaphragmatic breathing ,intercostal or middle breathing, clavicular breathing as per your health concerns and much more. connect with us. Its not just about breath control but techniques through which the quantity of prana is activated to higher frequency which influences you.

Start your journey of holistic wellbeing and better life.We are happy to serve you.